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Customize the One Line Grid

You can add or remove fields from the default One Line Grid display format, and customize the order in which they display.

To customize your One Line Grid display format

From the Admin menu, select One Line Grid Setup.

Select the appropriate property type using the tabs near the top of the page (residential is initially selected by default).

IMPORTANT: After making changes, click Save in the MLS toolbar.

Add fields (columns)

You can add any field from the Available Fields list (on the left) to your One Line Grid. Simply click a field to highlight it, and then click the Add button to move it to the Selected Fields list on the right.


TIP: Select multiple fields at once by holding down the Ctrl key (on your keyboard) while you select fields.

Remove fields (columns)

The Selected Fields list on the right shows all of the fields that will display in the One Line Grid. To remove a field, click to highlight it, and then click the Remove button.

Specify the Sort Order

The Sort column in the Selected Fields list determines the order in which fields will display when you view listings using the One Line Grid display format.

You can type directly into the Sort fields to quickly modify the sort order. When you press the Tab key, the fields are automatically rearranged in the list and the sort numbers are revalued (based on multiples of 10).

Alternately, you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder your selected fields.

NOTE: Check boxes and sort order fields automatically display as the first columns in the One Line Grid. These fields cannot be modified and do not appear in the one Line Grid Setup form.

Select icons

Near the bottom of the form, make sure that each of the icons that you want to display on the One Line Grid are selected (checked).

IMPORTANT: After making changes, click Save in the MLS toolbar.

See also Create Multiple One Line Grid Displays.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Search Results & Displays" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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